It isn’t everyday you meet a beautiful woman with such a beautiful soul. Her wedding is so inspiring to me because I have known since I was 12 years old what a beautiful person Kyle is.
In 8th grade we had a Christmas concert, singing the finale. I heard my parents arguing over finances, keeping us in a private school, worried about the upcoming holiday; I didn’t dare ask them to buy me a new scarf I would only wear once.
Unnecessary, I could just tie a red napkin around my neck. Dress rehearsal came, Sister Catherine took one look at me and was furious. Berated in front of the class, she moved me to the back row.
Opening night came and at my desk was a gift – a red box with my name on it. I opened it up to see a beautiful green, purple and gold silk scarf with a matching pair of earrings! It was from Kyle. It was the sweetest most beautiful and thoughtful act of kindness, I never forgot it. I’ve often thought the world needs more people just like her.
We followed separate paths and I heard of Kyle in passing and watched her life through social media. So many of life’s toughest challenges, just to many, she has gone through and always with poise and grace.
Then it happened…I got a phone call.
I simply can’t explain the joy I had for her when she told me she had met a wonderful man named Keith, and she wanted me to create the images that begin their together forever!!! I knew good things could happen to good people and I was so overjoyed to hear of her happiness. I couldn’t wait to photograph her wedding and show her beautiful photographs full of joy and happiness. When I met Keith, I could not only see the love they have for each other, but it extends into the air around them. The way they are together teaches us what true love really is.
So I introduce to you, Kyle and Keith, two amazing and beautiful people and the beginning of their well deserved happily ever after!

Many Thanks to the wonderful and talented vendors that all worked together seamlessly to give Kyle and Keith their perfect wedding!
Towersquare Jewelers – Rings
Kyle and Keith I’m over the moon that the two of you found each other and are so good to each other. I wish you a lifetime of happiness, love, and hope for only good things to come for the both of you. Congratulations to you both and Harry and Annie!